Java EE 7 Petclinic
A Java EE 7 Version of Spring Petclinic.
Depending on JSF and EJB and ready to run on JBoss WildFly and Oracle Glassfish.
You find a running Version with WildFly on OpenShift, the RedHat Cloud:
Source Code ist hosted on Github:
to e.g. /Users/tw/srv/wildfly-8.0.0.Final/
start JBoss by: cd /Users/tw/srv/wildfly-8.0.0.Final/bin ; ./
starting on Mac OSX:
cd /Applications/NetBeans/glassfish-4.0/bin/
./asadmin start-database
./asadmin start-domain
For Starting the JavaDB Database with jdk1.7.0_51 refer to:
Only one profile can be active at a given time otherwise there will be dependency conflicts.
To learn more about Arquillian please refer to the Arquillian Guides
They also provide WebElements for Arquillian+Graphene Testing.
build project with:
open url in browser: http://localhost:8080/javaee7-petclinic-1.3-SNAPSHOT/
add some Specialties for Vetinarians like dentist, anesthetist, radiology,...
add a Vetinarian
add an Owner, add him am a Pet and his Pet a visit.
Depending on JSF and EJB and ready to run on JBoss WildFly and Oracle Glassfish.
You find a running Version with WildFly on OpenShift, the RedHat Cloud:
Source Code ist hosted on Github:
The Domain Modell
contains all basic Relationships between Entities like OneToMany, ManyToOne and also ManyToMany:Pageflow
is complex enough to be interesting for Functional Tests with Selenium2 Webdriver, Arquillian Drone and Graphene:Use Cases
Some Example Screen Shots
install JBoss Wildfly
install JBoss Wildfly 8.0.0.Final from e.g. /Users/tw/srv/wildfly-8.0.0.Final/
start JBoss by: cd /Users/tw/srv/wildfly-8.0.0.Final/bin ; ./
install Glassfish 4
I installed Netbeans 7.4 with Glassfish 4.0 from on Mac OSX:
cd /Applications/NetBeans/glassfish-4.0/bin/
./asadmin start-database
./asadmin start-domain
For Starting the JavaDB Database with jdk1.7.0_51 refer to:
Functional Tests with Selenium2 Webdriver, Arquillian Drone and Graphene
Petclinic is tested on Wildfly and GlassFish using the Arquillian ecosystem.Only one profile can be active at a given time otherwise there will be dependency conflicts.
mvn clean install -Pwildfly-managed
This profile will install a Wildfly server and start up the server. Useful for CI servers.mvn clean install -Pwildfly-remote
This profile requires you to start up a Wildfly server outside of the build. Useful for development to avoid the server start up cost per sample.mvn clean install -Pglassfish-remote
This profile requires you to start up a GlassFish 4 server outside of the build. Each sample will then reuse this instance to run the tests. Useful for development to avoid the server start up cost per test.mvn clean install -Pglassfish-managed
This profile will install a Glassfish 4 server and start up the server. Useful for development, but has the downside of server startup per Test. You have to start a JavaDB (Derby) Server outside of the build before running the Test.
To learn more about Arquillian please refer to the Arquillian Guides
JSF 2.2 and RichFaces 5
Calendar and PickList are RichFaces Components.They also provide WebElements for Arquillian+Graphene Testing.
build and run
git clone project with:
mvn clean install wildfly:deploy
open url in browser: http://localhost:8080/javaee7-petclinic-1.3-SNAPSHOT/
First Steps
add some PetTypes like dog,cat,mouse,...add some Specialties for Vetinarians like dentist, anesthetist, radiology,...
add a Vetinarian
add an Owner, add him am a Pet and his Pet a visit.
Nice port but why not using CDI ?