Java EE 7 Petclinic
A Java EE 7 Version of Spring Petclinic. Depending on JSF and EJB and ready to run on JBoss WildFly and Oracle Glassfish . You find a running Version with WildFly on OpenShift , the RedHat Cloud: Source Code ist hosted on Github: The Domain Modell contains all basic Relationships between Entities like OneToMany, ManyToOne and also ManyToMany: Pageflow is complex enough to be interesting for Functional Tests with Selenium2 Webdriver, Arquillian Drone and Graphene: Use Cases Some Example Screen Shots install JBoss Wildfly install JBoss Wildfly 8.0.0.Final from to e.g. /Users/tw/srv/wildfly-8.0.0.Final/ start JBoss by: cd /Users/tw/srv/wildfly-8.0.0.Final/bin ; ./ install Glassfish 4 I installed Netbeans 7.4 with Glassfish 4.0 from https://netbeans....
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